Virtual Visit
Lets get started...
First, we need you to take a look at our Terms and Conditons. We wrote them so they are easy to understand with no fine print. Just Give them a look over, and make sure you understand what you are reading. If you have any questions, please contact us and let us answer them before you continue.
Read Terms & ConditionsRead Terms & Conditions
Next, Contact Us
Now, please call us at (651) 300-4899 to set up a time for us to do the service. Or please fill out the form below and we can respond either by email or phone with a time to do the service. Our E-mail addres is After the request is in, please make a payment for the Virual Visit, unless payment is made other than through the website.
Download the application
Now, we need to have this app downloaded onto your PC and opened. Chdeck the agree box and click 'DOWNLOAD APP!' buton. Don't worry, the program has been scanned for viruses, and will give you a unique ID and PIN for protection. Once connected, the connection is encrypted! Any questions, please contact us..
- YES, I have read and agree to Terms & Conditions. Wait a sec... Need Help?
CALL / E-Mail / Chat
Don't know what you need to do? Just want your computer fixed? Give us a call. You're on the right track to getting it all completed. Let us help you finish and get your PC back to the way you want it!
Don't worry, we don't use high pressure sales to get you to buy ANYTHING. We only recommend, we do stand behind our recommendations, but will not try to talk you into something you do not need. Give us a call, at the very least, let us give you an idea of what might be needed.No Fix No Fee
Try Virtual Visit Risk Free! If we remote into your PC and cannot fix the problem with the Virtual Visit, you are not required to pay for the remote service! You are only required to pay if we do the work you requestd (IE: Speed up PC, Remove Virus, Install Printer, Setup Email, Etc...). Please note that any work not completed with the remote visit is required to have a follow up repair request to quallify for the "No Fix No Fee." Which means we need to take your PC in to complete work that could not be completed during the virtual visit. The fee for the Virtual Visit will be applied to work completed on the physical PC.